Cape Cod: Spring Creek Brook Trout Old Fashion Style

This post isn’t about sophisticated match the hatch size 22 fishing. This is about old style, blue jeans and a bucket of worms spring creek trout fishing on Cape Cod. 

When the daffodils begin to appear out of the ground, the sun is shining, the turkeys are gobbling, the brook trout find sunny spots in their streams to bask in the spring sun’s warmth. It’s April and the snow only melted two weeks ago, but summer is fast approaching. There are a few secret little trout streams that wind through brushy valleys that are rich with “brookies”. The stream I am fishing is six feet wide, and a deep hole in it is two feet deep. It’s ice cold all year long, just the way the trout like it. There are springs feeding this creek every hundred yards or so, and it never gets low. 

There is never any room to cast through the viburnum tangles, so I have to poke my rod through and swing a worm into the hole. Nine times out of ten, the worm doesn’t hit the bottom before a brookie attacks it. A monster in this stream might be 14 inches, and you only catch a couple that size per year. Most of them are in the six to eight inch category. They are so beautiful, I can never bring myself to keep one, despite their beautiful orange meat that goes so well with eggs and potatoes in the morning. 

I try to get out at least five times a year. There are few more pleasant ways to spend a spring or summer day than in the cool, shady glades on The Cape. 

A Cape Cod Brook Trout


2 thoughts on “Cape Cod: Spring Creek Brook Trout Old Fashion Style

    1. Thank you! Sorry, it’s top secret. Haha. But many little streams have brookies in them. Google maps and asking around are the best bets to find one in my opinion.


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